Monday, March 10, 2008

An IMPOSSIBLE quiz....or is it????

This is a really fun quiz! It's impossible! Almost. There are tricky questions, or at least the answers are tricky. The questions can seem easy but really, you have to think. A lot! I was sitting doing this for hours (I still haven't made it!) and I am sure you'll do the same. Try it out! See if you can manage the "impossible" quiz!

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Heartbeat By: Sharon Creech

Heartbeat is a story about a twelve year old girl named Annie and she loves to run just for the joy of running. Annie's best friend, Max is getting quite moody. Her mom is pregnant, Annie's grandfather just keeps getting older and older. Everything is changing just like the apple she was assigned to draw over and over one hundred times.

To find more books by Sharon Creech click:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"Main Street- Welcome to Camden Falls" by Ann M. Martin

I don't know how many books I have read about kids who have lost a parent or two the last month. There sure are a lot of books like that! In this book you can read about these two sisters, Flora and Ruby. Their parents die in a car accident and now the girls need to go to Camden Falls, which is quite far away from their old house and friends and school, to live with their grandmother. There they meet new friends. Olivia lives next door, she likes to organize stuff. Nikki lives on the wrong side of town. She doesn't want to be friends at first, but soon their secrets are shared and then friendship becomes easier. Camden Falls becomes their new home.

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Ps. If it's not good, I would not put it on Miss Twinkle!

Harry Potter Quotes

Are you a Harry Potter fan? Have you read all the books and seen all the movies again and again? Then you probably remember what the characters have said, right? Quiz yourself on this Harry Potter Quotes quiz!

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Club Penguin

Do you already have a penguin? If you don't; create one now! On Club Penguin- Waddle Around and Meet New Friends- you can create a penguin with which you can waddle around the penguin world and chat with your friends! You can also play games, collect coins, buy pets, and other stuff. I promise you, this game is REALLY FUN! Check it out now! Club Penguin!

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"Crossroads" with Britney Spears

Here is a typical girl's movie with no other than Britney Spears! This movie is about three girls, who were friends when they were little and get together again after quite some time. One of the girls is called Lucy who is a little miss perfect girl (Britney Spears). Another one, Kit (Zoe Saldana), is an engaged prom queen, while the third, Mimi (Taryn Manning) is a pregnant outcast. Together, these girls decide to go to Los Angeles for a record contract audition. So, with a little money, they leave from Georgia with a guy called Ben. One of the girls tells the other girls the rumour that Ben might be a homicidal maniac, and they get a little scared of him. However, they continue their trip. And even though they don't reach their goals of the trip, their friendship are yet again tied together.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli

This is an awesome book! I started reading it, and I was so shocked. How can Jerry Spinelli be so good at writing!? Read this book, I really enjoyed it, and I'm sure you will too! You can also visit Jerry's website

Here's what the book is about.

David is 9 years old. His mother is dead, and his father is working in Connecticut, which is over 200 miles away. The boy lives with his grandmother, and his dad comes home on the weekends. But, David has lost his mother, and no one can take her place.

13 year-old Primrose is very different. She has a mother, but a unnormal one. She doesn't know who her dad is, but likes to think and talk about him.

David and Primrose meet and they become friends. Though, their friendship is very tumultuous, it's tight, too. However, they need to help each other deal with what's missing in their lives.

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