This is a really fun quiz! It's impossible! Almost. There are tricky questions, or at least the answers are tricky. The questions can seem easy but really, you have to think. A lot! I was sitting doing this for hours (I still haven't made it!) and I am sure you'll do the same. Try it out! See if you can manage the "impossible" quiz!
Other blogs about impossible quiz, Quizzes, Quiz, miss twinkle, games
Monday, March 10, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Heartbeat By: Sharon Creech

Heartbeat is a story about a twelve year old girl named Annie and she loves to run just for the joy of running. Annie's best friend, Max is getting quite moody. Her mom is pregnant, Annie's grandfather just keeps getting older and older. Everything is changing just like the apple she was assigned to draw over and over one hundred times.
To find more books by Sharon Creech click:
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
"Main Street- Welcome to Camden Falls" by Ann M. Martin

Other blogs about Books, Book tips, Camden Falls, Main Street, Ann M. Martin
Ps. If it's not good, I would not put it on Miss Twinkle!
Harry Potter Quotes
Are you a Harry Potter fan? Have you read all the books and seen all the movies again and again? Then you probably remember what the characters have said, right? Quiz yourself on this Harry Potter Quotes quiz!
Other blogs about Harry Potter, Harry Potter fan, Quizzes, Harry Potter quotes
Other blogs about Harry Potter, Harry Potter fan, Quizzes, Harry Potter quotes
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Club Penguin
Do you already have a penguin? If you don't; create one now! On Club Penguin- Waddle Around and Meet New Friends- you can create a penguin with which you can waddle around the penguin world and chat with your friends! You can also play games, collect coins, buy pets, and other stuff. I promise you, this game is REALLY FUN! Check it out now! Club Penguin!
Other blogs about club penguin, Games, free games, penguin, friends, Miss Twinkle,
Other blogs about club penguin, Games, free games, penguin, friends, Miss Twinkle,
"Crossroads" with Britney Spears

Other blogs about Crossroads, Britney Spears, Zoe Saldana, Taryn Manning, Miss Twinkle, movies, movie tips
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
"Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli

Here's what the book is about.
David is 9 years old. His mother is dead, and his father is working in Connecticut, which is over 200 miles away. The boy lives with his grandmother, and his dad comes home on the weekends. But, David has lost his mother, and no one can take her place.
13 year-old Primrose is very different. She has a mother, but a unnormal one. She doesn't know who her dad is, but likes to think and talk about him.
David and Primrose meet and they become friends. Though, their friendship is very tumultuous, it's tight, too. However, they need to help each other deal with what's missing in their lives.
Other blogs about Eggs, books tips, books, Jerry Spinelli, writing, reading
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Please feel free to write comments! When you do write a comment and you don't have one of gmail, typewriter, and all of those, click on "anynomous". You can still write your name on your comment if you want that. Miss Twinkle loves when people write comments, so please do!
Other blogs about comments, anynomous, gmail, typewriter, miss twinkle, magazine
Other blogs about comments, anynomous, gmail, typewriter, miss twinkle, magazine
Friday, January 25, 2008
Raft Wars
For you who do not like taking care of babies, here is a shooting game. It's not very violent though, you mostly shoot a tennisball at your enimies. You get points for beating them and can upgrade your raft and by new stuff so you don't have to use tennisballs all the time. I think this game is really fun! Try it out and tell me what you think by writing a comment. Play Raft Wars!
Ps. If you write a comment and you don't have one of gmail, typewriter, and all of those, click on "anynomous". You can still write your name on your comment if you want that. Miss Twinkle loves when people write comments, so please do!
Other blogs about raft wars, shooting game, games, free games, miss twinkle
Ps. If you write a comment and you don't have one of gmail, typewriter, and all of those, click on "anynomous". You can still write your name on your comment if you want that. Miss Twinkle loves when people write comments, so please do!
Other blogs about raft wars, shooting game, games, free games, miss twinkle
Friday, January 18, 2008
This is an awesome game! You are supposed to take care of babies, and make them as happy as possible. You get money, with which you can buy stuff for your kindergarten. You get more babies to take care of and hopefully you'll get better and better. The only bad thing is that you need to get the full version to do special stuff, but this version is enough for a while. I thought it was really fun playing it! Otherwise I wouldn't add it to the Miss Twinkle website! Try Kindergarten!
Other blogs about kindergarten, games, miss twinkle, fun, free games
Other blogs about kindergarten, games, miss twinkle, fun, free games
"Molly's Christmas" By Audrey Paugh
Molly peered out side of her bedroom window it was snowing! It hadn’t snowed all year and Christmas was only a week away! She was so relieved, because she thought it wouldn’t snow and they would have another snow less Christmas. Molly ran down stairs, slid on her boots and ran outside. Winter was her favorite time of the year when snow falls; icicles hang from roofs, and the fresh breeze that blows, but most of all ice-skating on the pond next door. She wanted to build a snowman so she went back inside and got changed. Then she heard something, she heard steps creak from upstairs. She turned and looked up at the stairs. She saw her older brother coming down.
Molly’s brother, Tom is eleven and she is eight, Tom is her only sibling. Although, Molly does have a fluffy white cat, with knotted hair named Missy, and she considers her part of the family, too.
"Hi Tom," greets Molly. "Have you seen the snow, isn’t it gorgeous!"
"Umm..." he hesitates and looks out the living room window. "Oh, yeah its amazing" exclaimed Tom.
"Tom, do you want to come out and help me build a snowman?" questioned Molly.
"Okay, but only for 10 minutes."
"Great but first can you make me some breakfast?" begged Molly.
Molly and her brother are very close, and sense their mom and dad were on some business trip for three days; they were pretty much on their own. But their grandma Jane came to see them each afternoon, to see if they needed anything. Grandma Jane is seventy-three years old and lives in a little cabin, with her golden retriever dog, named Daisy.
After Tom and Molly built their snowman, they went inside to dry off, and watch some TV. It was nearly 12:00, which meant that grandma would be coming any minute now!
Grandma was finally here, and she brought some homemade butterscotch brownies with her. While the three of them were eating their lunch, Molly gazed into the living room and realized that they still didn’t have a tree. So she said to Tom and Grandma Jane " Oh no! We need to get a Christmas tree, can we get one after we eat?"
"Hmm" said Grandma.
"Oh please, please, pleeeaaase!"
" All, right we can go to the forest after we have some brownies," said Grandma with a small grin.
When they were ready, they walked out the door, and got their father’s saw. Then they trudged out and across the road and into the woods. They had been walking for nearly twenty minutes, until Molly stopped. She saw the most beautiful tree, it was tall, and had a dark green color, and smelled of fresh pine. It was just like the ones from stories!
"Tom, do you like this one, isn’t it just magnificent! We really must get it, mom and dad will love it!"
"Don’t you think so too, grandma?"
"Yes it is beautiful." Replied Grandma.
So Tom used his fathers saw and cut it down. Then they dragged it home and cut off all the orange pieces, while Molly got ornament boxes out. The tree was ready in no time.
"Well, this tree sure is decorative, I know that your parents will love it!" commented Grandma Jane.
"Yeah it is," said Tom.
"No, we forgot jus one thing…" Molly hesitates.
"What?" Questioned Tom and Grandma.
" Presents, or course!" Molly finished with a laugh.
" Oh, yes of course, we are lucky today because I have some for your whole family with me, lets put them under the tree now," exclaimed grandma. And that is just what they did.
A few days past and their parents were home, and finally it was Christmas Eve.
Their mother was in the kitchen doing dishes from dinner, while their father was helping Molly write her letter to Santa, and putting out milk and cookies, and carrots for is reindeer. Tom was in the living room hanging the stockings. It was now time for bed.
Everyone was sound asleep in their beds dreaming of presents they wanted. Molly was suddenly awoken by a thump, thump on the roof.
She heard it again thump, thump! It must have been Santa! She had never seen him before and now was her chance! She hopped out of bed and quietly tiptoed down the hallway, and went half way down the stairs. There was no one I sight, then she glanced at the tree, no other presents then before.
"Hmm…" she thought to herself. "He’s not here!" So she started back up, but before she could make it to the top she heard a whoosh sound and a plop sound. She looked down again; Molly could not believe her eyes! She saw a very plump man, with a red hat with a ball on the top and a white fluff along the rim. He had round rosy cheeks and big bushy eyebrows as white as snow that match his curly beard. He had a cherry red suit with a black shiny belt and boots. It was without a doubt Santa! She closed her eyes and opened them again, just to make sure it was real… it was! She just couldn’t believe it! Santa Clause was right in front of her. That was unbelievable.
Molly watched him put the presents down under the tree, and then he drank his milk and gobbled up the cookies, and put the carrots in his pocket. Santa made a sigh of satisfaction and started to write a letter to Molly’s family. She was going to say something when Santa snapped his fingers and disappeared. He was gone and now she knew she would have to wait until next year to see him again. "To Bad", sighed Molly. But in her heart she knew she was lucky enough to see him up close. Now Molly was getting sleepy, she walked back to her room, hopped back into bed and pulled the covers over her body and was soon fast asleep.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" cried Tom. Molly was confused. "Santa’s been here, Santa’s been here!"
That morning they opened presents and peeked inside their stockings, and were delighted with their gifts. She had completely forgotten about last night. It was all a dream. Tom looked at the table and saw that the milk and cookies were gone and lying next to the empty cup and plate was a letter. Molly picked it up and read aloud:
Dear Molly and Tom,
Thank you for the milk and cookies, they were delicious! My reindeer enjoyed the carrots. I hope you like your presents.
Love Mr. C
P.S. I love your snowman and tree!
Other blogs about: Christmas Stories, Stories, Holiday, Story, Christmas, Molly, Winter, Santa
Molly’s brother, Tom is eleven and she is eight, Tom is her only sibling. Although, Molly does have a fluffy white cat, with knotted hair named Missy, and she considers her part of the family, too.
"Hi Tom," greets Molly. "Have you seen the snow, isn’t it gorgeous!"
"Umm..." he hesitates and looks out the living room window. "Oh, yeah its amazing" exclaimed Tom.
"Tom, do you want to come out and help me build a snowman?" questioned Molly.
"Okay, but only for 10 minutes."
"Great but first can you make me some breakfast?" begged Molly.
Molly and her brother are very close, and sense their mom and dad were on some business trip for three days; they were pretty much on their own. But their grandma Jane came to see them each afternoon, to see if they needed anything. Grandma Jane is seventy-three years old and lives in a little cabin, with her golden retriever dog, named Daisy.
After Tom and Molly built their snowman, they went inside to dry off, and watch some TV. It was nearly 12:00, which meant that grandma would be coming any minute now!
Grandma was finally here, and she brought some homemade butterscotch brownies with her. While the three of them were eating their lunch, Molly gazed into the living room and realized that they still didn’t have a tree. So she said to Tom and Grandma Jane " Oh no! We need to get a Christmas tree, can we get one after we eat?"
"Hmm" said Grandma.
"Oh please, please, pleeeaaase!"
" All, right we can go to the forest after we have some brownies," said Grandma with a small grin.
When they were ready, they walked out the door, and got their father’s saw. Then they trudged out and across the road and into the woods. They had been walking for nearly twenty minutes, until Molly stopped. She saw the most beautiful tree, it was tall, and had a dark green color, and smelled of fresh pine. It was just like the ones from stories!
"Tom, do you like this one, isn’t it just magnificent! We really must get it, mom and dad will love it!"
"Don’t you think so too, grandma?"
"Yes it is beautiful." Replied Grandma.
So Tom used his fathers saw and cut it down. Then they dragged it home and cut off all the orange pieces, while Molly got ornament boxes out. The tree was ready in no time.
"Well, this tree sure is decorative, I know that your parents will love it!" commented Grandma Jane.
"Yeah it is," said Tom.
"No, we forgot jus one thing…" Molly hesitates.
"What?" Questioned Tom and Grandma.
" Presents, or course!" Molly finished with a laugh.
" Oh, yes of course, we are lucky today because I have some for your whole family with me, lets put them under the tree now," exclaimed grandma. And that is just what they did.
A few days past and their parents were home, and finally it was Christmas Eve.
Their mother was in the kitchen doing dishes from dinner, while their father was helping Molly write her letter to Santa, and putting out milk and cookies, and carrots for is reindeer. Tom was in the living room hanging the stockings. It was now time for bed.
Everyone was sound asleep in their beds dreaming of presents they wanted. Molly was suddenly awoken by a thump, thump on the roof.
She heard it again thump, thump! It must have been Santa! She had never seen him before and now was her chance! She hopped out of bed and quietly tiptoed down the hallway, and went half way down the stairs. There was no one I sight, then she glanced at the tree, no other presents then before.
"Hmm…" she thought to herself. "He’s not here!" So she started back up, but before she could make it to the top she heard a whoosh sound and a plop sound. She looked down again; Molly could not believe her eyes! She saw a very plump man, with a red hat with a ball on the top and a white fluff along the rim. He had round rosy cheeks and big bushy eyebrows as white as snow that match his curly beard. He had a cherry red suit with a black shiny belt and boots. It was without a doubt Santa! She closed her eyes and opened them again, just to make sure it was real… it was! She just couldn’t believe it! Santa Clause was right in front of her. That was unbelievable.
Molly watched him put the presents down under the tree, and then he drank his milk and gobbled up the cookies, and put the carrots in his pocket. Santa made a sigh of satisfaction and started to write a letter to Molly’s family. She was going to say something when Santa snapped his fingers and disappeared. He was gone and now she knew she would have to wait until next year to see him again. "To Bad", sighed Molly. But in her heart she knew she was lucky enough to see him up close. Now Molly was getting sleepy, she walked back to her room, hopped back into bed and pulled the covers over her body and was soon fast asleep.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" cried Tom. Molly was confused. "Santa’s been here, Santa’s been here!"
That morning they opened presents and peeked inside their stockings, and were delighted with their gifts. She had completely forgotten about last night. It was all a dream. Tom looked at the table and saw that the milk and cookies were gone and lying next to the empty cup and plate was a letter. Molly picked it up and read aloud:
Dear Molly and Tom,
Thank you for the milk and cookies, they were delicious! My reindeer enjoyed the carrots. I hope you like your presents.
Love Mr. C
P.S. I love your snowman and tree!
Other blogs about: Christmas Stories, Stories, Holiday, Story, Christmas, Molly, Winter, Santa
Saturday, January 12, 2008
School Cafeteria Jokes
Here are some jokes from the book 101 School Cafeteria Jokes. Please, add more jokes to the comments. Have fun!
Mary: What's sticky, purple, has 16 legs, and is covered with thick, brown hair?
Larry: I don't know. What?
Mary: I don't know, either. But they're serving it today in the cafeteria.
Sam: Every day I get the same boring thing for lunch! I'm sick of peanut butter sandwich and an apple, day after day.
Pam: Well, why don't you ask your mom to give you something else?
Sam: I can't. I pack my own lunch!
Morty: This beef stew tastes just like dog food!
Cook: Don't be ridiculous! How can cat food taste like dog food?
Sharon: Why do you eat everything with your knife?
Mort: My fork leaks!
Mort: Last week they served a special chicken in the school cafeteria, and everyone was tickled.
Mary: Why's that?
Mort: They forgot to remove the feathers!
Fred: Hey, there's a long, black hair in my macaroni!
Cook: It can't be mine. I put my hair in the vegetable soup today!
Mary: Look, there are forks, knives, spoons, and hammers today. What are the hammers for?
Larry: I guess they're serving pound cake!
Pam: Is it okay to eat hot dogs with hands?
Sam: No. Hot dogs don't have hands!
First Lunchroom Worker: I told you to put salt in the salt shakers. What's taking you so long?
Second Worker: It's hard to get the salt through the little holes!
Other blogs about School cafeteria jokes, 101 School Cafeteria Jokes, Jokes, Miss Twinkle, comments
Mary: What's sticky, purple, has 16 legs, and is covered with thick, brown hair?
Larry: I don't know. What?
Mary: I don't know, either. But they're serving it today in the cafeteria.
Sam: Every day I get the same boring thing for lunch! I'm sick of peanut butter sandwich and an apple, day after day.
Pam: Well, why don't you ask your mom to give you something else?
Sam: I can't. I pack my own lunch!
Morty: This beef stew tastes just like dog food!
Cook: Don't be ridiculous! How can cat food taste like dog food?
Sharon: Why do you eat everything with your knife?
Mort: My fork leaks!
Mort: Last week they served a special chicken in the school cafeteria, and everyone was tickled.
Mary: Why's that?
Mort: They forgot to remove the feathers!
Fred: Hey, there's a long, black hair in my macaroni!
Cook: It can't be mine. I put my hair in the vegetable soup today!
Mary: Look, there are forks, knives, spoons, and hammers today. What are the hammers for?
Larry: I guess they're serving pound cake!
Pam: Is it okay to eat hot dogs with hands?
Sam: No. Hot dogs don't have hands!
First Lunchroom Worker: I told you to put salt in the salt shakers. What's taking you so long?
Second Worker: It's hard to get the salt through the little holes!
Other blogs about School cafeteria jokes, 101 School Cafeteria Jokes, Jokes, Miss Twinkle, comments
"Christmas" by Vera Lindman
It's never too early for Christmas stories, is it? Here's a little Christmas story I wrote for school. I thought it might be fun to share it. If you have any stories (any stories) that you wanna share, please write it down as a comment. We might put it here on Miss Twinkle's website, or in the magazine! Thank you.
Amanda opens her eyes.
She looks up in the ceiling. Did she really sleep the whole night? Cool. She never managed that before. She glances at the clock standing at the table next to her bed. 9 o’clock.
Santa Claus.
She sits up, puts on her glasses, and runs into the living room.
There it is. The beautiful Christmas tree, they had decorated the day before. With glitter swirled all around it, and fake candles here and there, it was wearing decorations of red, green, blue, yellow, silver, and gold. The golden star at the top sent out strikes of light with the help of the candles.
“Good morning, darling. And merry Christmas.” There, on the couch loaded with cushions, mother sits.
“Merry Christmas, mom!” Amanda jumped into her mother’s lap, and her mom gave her a big, wet kiss on her forehead.
“Don’t you want to open your present?” Her mother says, nodding in the direction of the big Christmas tree. Amanda spots a big, red box with a green ribbon at the top. It had two little wholes in the front. She turns and looks at her mom.
“Why are there wholes in the box?”
“If you open it you’ll find out.” Her mom answered. While she said so, Amanda saw movement in the corner of her eye.
“Mom, it moved! It really did, it moved! What are we going to do? Is it a ghost in there? Might be, right? Or maybe it’s one of Santa’s elves! You wrapped him up?”
Amanda’s dad, who had been downstairs, fixing breakfast, comes running up the stairs, wondering what is wrong. But mother stays calm. “Open and see”, she says.
Amanda gazes at the box, again. She slowly walks toward the box. When she is about two feet from the box, she drops down on the floor. She looks at her dad, he nods, but he, too, seems a little scared. He goes over to his wife, and whispers in her ear.
“What have you done?”
Amanda watches them, but her mom is still calm, she is just sitting there, smiling. Suddenly, Amanda gets it.
“Oh, no. No, it can’t be! Oh, mom! Really? Is it really?” Her mom smiles even more, but her dad still doesn’t seem to understand. Amanda grabs the led of the box and pulls it open. And there it is. Oh, yes, there it is. The little bunny rabbit Amanda always has been going on about. At least twice a day since she was little, she had said the words “I want a rabbit”, but she couldn’t have one. Her cousin, who she often met, was allergic to fur animals, and if Amanda had a rabbit, she wouldn’t be able to be together with her cousin. But, her mother explained that Sue’s mom, Sue is the cousin, called about a week ago, telling her that Sue’s doctor had said that Sue was better, that rabbits were fine.
Amanda picks up the rabbit and kisses it on the nose. The rabbit, though, does not want to be picked up, and jumps out of her hands. But it doesn’t matter, Amanda is still sitting, and the bunny can jump around in the room, no problem. Amanda jumps up, and hugs her mom and her still confused dad. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
At 12 o’clock, when they have all, all including Amanda’s mom, dad, little brother, Tim, and big sister, Haley, opened their presents, gotten dressed, eaten breakfast, brushed their teeth and hair, and played with the rabbit, which was named Hollie, which Haley really liked because it was so similar to Haley, they walk over to grandma and grandpa to greet them. Grandma and grandpa, Amanda’s mother’s parents, lives only 10 minutes away so they were soon there. As soon as the get to the house and grandma comes toward them, Tim shouts “TV”, which was the first word he ever learned, and uses very often, even though he is already three, and runs to the living room, where his grandparents have their TV. The others go to the dining room and grandpa sets up coffee cups for the grown-ups and glasses for the children. Right as he puts a glass in front of Haley she says “Oh, no, no soda for me. Coffee, please.”
Grandpa stares at her. “Since when did you start drinking coffee?”
“TV, TV, TV! I wat to wat TV, TV, TV!” Tim shouts from the living room, and hid mom stands up and goes to turn it on for him.
“Oh, that was long ago,” Haley lies. Amanda knew Haley had started drinking coffee only the day before, and it wasn’t her favorite but she thought it was grown-up, but Amanda doesn’t say anything, maybe it felt like a long time for Haley, when she didn’t even like it.
“Well, all right,” grandpa says and puts a cup in front of Haley and puts the glass at Amanda’s place instead.
“What do you have in that basket, Amanda?” asks grandma. This was exactly what Amanda had been waiting for. She takes up the basket from the chair next to her and puts it on the dinner table. Her mother, who is just coming back from the living room, is about to tell her not to have the basket on the table, but stays silent. Amanda opens the basket.
“It’s my rabbit, grandma. My very own bunny rabbit!” She says proudly. The rabbit puts her front paws on the wall of the little basket, but doesn’t manage to get out. Amanda takes her in her hands, looks at her grandpa, who nods, and puts the rabbit on the floor, together with the basket.
“That’s a very cute rabbit, Amanda, what’s its name?” Grandma asks. But before Amanda can answer, she turns to her daughter and says, “Did you ask your husband before you bought it?”
Amanda’s mom’s face turns all red. “Er... I think Tim needs some help,” she says and turns to then run out of the room.
Haley storms into Amanda’s room. “What earrings should I wear, these” she says showing a pair of red dangly earrings, “or these,” and shows a golden pair with small stars hanging down. The time was ten minutes to five and they were getting ready to go to their aunt and uncle’s house to celebrate.
“I thought you had already decided what to wear today?” says Amanda.
“I did, but I forgot all about the earrings. Just say which pair is the nicest.” Haley says impatiently.
“All right, the golden ones.”
After about ten minutes they are all ready, and they all pack themselves into the car. Every one with bags of gifts or food in their hands.
When they reach their destination, Tim insists to ring on the doorbell. Haley lifts him up and he pushes the button at least eight times. Cousin Sue comes running out of the front door. “Welcome everybody, merry Christmas!” Everyone greet back. Tim does not want to, though. He wants to go inside and play with little Emily, who is Sue’s little sister, and about the same age as Tim. His mom tries to make him say ‘merry Christmas’ or at least ‘hello’, but Tim refuses. So away he goes.
They eat the most fabulous dinner with turkey, roast beef, cranberry sauce, mincemeat pie, pumpkin pie, steamed broccoli, mashed potatoes, and even more! The dinner table was so full of food they even had problems fitting in their own plate. But at last they have all finished eating. The grown-ups stay at the table, deep in some apparently funny conversation and the kids go and do other things. Haley stays at the table, too, and tries to follow along in the conversation, which doesn’t seem to work that well. Suddenly, someone knocks at the door! Sue and Amanda jumps up from where they are sitting, playing with the rabbit, Tim and Emily runs with their short little legs into the hall. Haley tries to look like she doesn’t really care, but she has a twinkle in her eye.
Amanda’s mom takes her napkin from her lap and puts on the table. Then she walks into the hall to see Emily and Tim jump up and down in front of the door, trying to get hold of the handle. She opens the door for them and in steps Santa Claus! Emily and Tim throw their arms around Santa’s legs! Amanda and Sue come running and stop in the middle of the hall, looking as nice as they can.
“Merry Christmas, children,” says the deep voice.
“Merry Christmas, Santa!” All the children sing out in one voice.
Later, when they have all got their presents from Santa’s sack and he has left and Amanda’s dad has come home from his little walk to the little supermarket a few minutes away to buy milk, though, suspiciously empty handed , it’s time for their own Christmas gift distribution. Everybody takes a seat in one of the couches or armchairs, or gets a cushion and sits on the carpet in the center of the room. Amanda, Haley, and Sue sit in the front of the room, right next to the Christmas tree, because they are the ones who’ll read the names on the presents. The first one is for Amanda’s mom from Amanda herself. She gets a long red scarf, which Amanda has knitted all by herself. The next person is Sue, who gets a scrapbook kit from her mom and dad. Amanda then gets a CD with Kelly Clarkson from Haley.
They all open more present and have a great time. But after a while it’s time to go home. Amanda, Haley, Tim, mom, and dad all say good night and drive home in the darkness.
When Amanda is in her bed that night, she thinks about all the things that have happened that day. Then she thinks about why it has to be over already. But, she thinks, she shouldn’t be sad about that… she sits up in her bed and gazes at her little Hollie on the other side of the quite dark room. It must have been the best Christmas ever!
She looks up in the ceiling. Did she really sleep the whole night? Cool. She never managed that before. She glances at the clock standing at the table next to her bed. 9 o’clock.
Santa Claus.
She sits up, puts on her glasses, and runs into the living room.
There it is. The beautiful Christmas tree, they had decorated the day before. With glitter swirled all around it, and fake candles here and there, it was wearing decorations of red, green, blue, yellow, silver, and gold. The golden star at the top sent out strikes of light with the help of the candles.
“Good morning, darling. And merry Christmas.” There, on the couch loaded with cushions, mother sits.
“Merry Christmas, mom!” Amanda jumped into her mother’s lap, and her mom gave her a big, wet kiss on her forehead.
“Don’t you want to open your present?” Her mother says, nodding in the direction of the big Christmas tree. Amanda spots a big, red box with a green ribbon at the top. It had two little wholes in the front. She turns and looks at her mom.
“Why are there wholes in the box?”
“If you open it you’ll find out.” Her mom answered. While she said so, Amanda saw movement in the corner of her eye.
“Mom, it moved! It really did, it moved! What are we going to do? Is it a ghost in there? Might be, right? Or maybe it’s one of Santa’s elves! You wrapped him up?”
Amanda’s dad, who had been downstairs, fixing breakfast, comes running up the stairs, wondering what is wrong. But mother stays calm. “Open and see”, she says.
Amanda gazes at the box, again. She slowly walks toward the box. When she is about two feet from the box, she drops down on the floor. She looks at her dad, he nods, but he, too, seems a little scared. He goes over to his wife, and whispers in her ear.
“What have you done?”
Amanda watches them, but her mom is still calm, she is just sitting there, smiling. Suddenly, Amanda gets it.
“Oh, no. No, it can’t be! Oh, mom! Really? Is it really?” Her mom smiles even more, but her dad still doesn’t seem to understand. Amanda grabs the led of the box and pulls it open. And there it is. Oh, yes, there it is. The little bunny rabbit Amanda always has been going on about. At least twice a day since she was little, she had said the words “I want a rabbit”, but she couldn’t have one. Her cousin, who she often met, was allergic to fur animals, and if Amanda had a rabbit, she wouldn’t be able to be together with her cousin. But, her mother explained that Sue’s mom, Sue is the cousin, called about a week ago, telling her that Sue’s doctor had said that Sue was better, that rabbits were fine.
Amanda picks up the rabbit and kisses it on the nose. The rabbit, though, does not want to be picked up, and jumps out of her hands. But it doesn’t matter, Amanda is still sitting, and the bunny can jump around in the room, no problem. Amanda jumps up, and hugs her mom and her still confused dad. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
At 12 o’clock, when they have all, all including Amanda’s mom, dad, little brother, Tim, and big sister, Haley, opened their presents, gotten dressed, eaten breakfast, brushed their teeth and hair, and played with the rabbit, which was named Hollie, which Haley really liked because it was so similar to Haley, they walk over to grandma and grandpa to greet them. Grandma and grandpa, Amanda’s mother’s parents, lives only 10 minutes away so they were soon there. As soon as the get to the house and grandma comes toward them, Tim shouts “TV”, which was the first word he ever learned, and uses very often, even though he is already three, and runs to the living room, where his grandparents have their TV. The others go to the dining room and grandpa sets up coffee cups for the grown-ups and glasses for the children. Right as he puts a glass in front of Haley she says “Oh, no, no soda for me. Coffee, please.”
Grandpa stares at her. “Since when did you start drinking coffee?”
“TV, TV, TV! I wat to wat TV, TV, TV!” Tim shouts from the living room, and hid mom stands up and goes to turn it on for him.
“Oh, that was long ago,” Haley lies. Amanda knew Haley had started drinking coffee only the day before, and it wasn’t her favorite but she thought it was grown-up, but Amanda doesn’t say anything, maybe it felt like a long time for Haley, when she didn’t even like it.
“Well, all right,” grandpa says and puts a cup in front of Haley and puts the glass at Amanda’s place instead.
“What do you have in that basket, Amanda?” asks grandma. This was exactly what Amanda had been waiting for. She takes up the basket from the chair next to her and puts it on the dinner table. Her mother, who is just coming back from the living room, is about to tell her not to have the basket on the table, but stays silent. Amanda opens the basket.
“It’s my rabbit, grandma. My very own bunny rabbit!” She says proudly. The rabbit puts her front paws on the wall of the little basket, but doesn’t manage to get out. Amanda takes her in her hands, looks at her grandpa, who nods, and puts the rabbit on the floor, together with the basket.
“That’s a very cute rabbit, Amanda, what’s its name?” Grandma asks. But before Amanda can answer, she turns to her daughter and says, “Did you ask your husband before you bought it?”
Amanda’s mom’s face turns all red. “Er... I think Tim needs some help,” she says and turns to then run out of the room.
Haley storms into Amanda’s room. “What earrings should I wear, these” she says showing a pair of red dangly earrings, “or these,” and shows a golden pair with small stars hanging down. The time was ten minutes to five and they were getting ready to go to their aunt and uncle’s house to celebrate.
“I thought you had already decided what to wear today?” says Amanda.
“I did, but I forgot all about the earrings. Just say which pair is the nicest.” Haley says impatiently.
“All right, the golden ones.”
After about ten minutes they are all ready, and they all pack themselves into the car. Every one with bags of gifts or food in their hands.
When they reach their destination, Tim insists to ring on the doorbell. Haley lifts him up and he pushes the button at least eight times. Cousin Sue comes running out of the front door. “Welcome everybody, merry Christmas!” Everyone greet back. Tim does not want to, though. He wants to go inside and play with little Emily, who is Sue’s little sister, and about the same age as Tim. His mom tries to make him say ‘merry Christmas’ or at least ‘hello’, but Tim refuses. So away he goes.
They eat the most fabulous dinner with turkey, roast beef, cranberry sauce, mincemeat pie, pumpkin pie, steamed broccoli, mashed potatoes, and even more! The dinner table was so full of food they even had problems fitting in their own plate. But at last they have all finished eating. The grown-ups stay at the table, deep in some apparently funny conversation and the kids go and do other things. Haley stays at the table, too, and tries to follow along in the conversation, which doesn’t seem to work that well. Suddenly, someone knocks at the door! Sue and Amanda jumps up from where they are sitting, playing with the rabbit, Tim and Emily runs with their short little legs into the hall. Haley tries to look like she doesn’t really care, but she has a twinkle in her eye.
Amanda’s mom takes her napkin from her lap and puts on the table. Then she walks into the hall to see Emily and Tim jump up and down in front of the door, trying to get hold of the handle. She opens the door for them and in steps Santa Claus! Emily and Tim throw their arms around Santa’s legs! Amanda and Sue come running and stop in the middle of the hall, looking as nice as they can.
“Merry Christmas, children,” says the deep voice.
“Merry Christmas, Santa!” All the children sing out in one voice.
Later, when they have all got their presents from Santa’s sack and he has left and Amanda’s dad has come home from his little walk to the little supermarket a few minutes away to buy milk, though, suspiciously empty handed , it’s time for their own Christmas gift distribution. Everybody takes a seat in one of the couches or armchairs, or gets a cushion and sits on the carpet in the center of the room. Amanda, Haley, and Sue sit in the front of the room, right next to the Christmas tree, because they are the ones who’ll read the names on the presents. The first one is for Amanda’s mom from Amanda herself. She gets a long red scarf, which Amanda has knitted all by herself. The next person is Sue, who gets a scrapbook kit from her mom and dad. Amanda then gets a CD with Kelly Clarkson from Haley.
They all open more present and have a great time. But after a while it’s time to go home. Amanda, Haley, Tim, mom, and dad all say good night and drive home in the darkness.
When Amanda is in her bed that night, she thinks about all the things that have happened that day. Then she thinks about why it has to be over already. But, she thinks, she shouldn’t be sad about that… she sits up in her bed and gazes at her little Hollie on the other side of the quite dark room. It must have been the best Christmas ever!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Hilarious Jokes for Kids
They're all here. So, watch out for your funny bone as you get ready for a load of laughs...
Please feel free to give more joke suggestions, add them on to a comment. Thank you!
Bob was running through the neighbor´s garden.
"Hey!"shouted the neighbor. "I told you to not let me catch you there again!"
"Right!" said the boy. "And you haven´t caught me yet!"
Freddie walked into the house crying. "What´s wrong?" asked his grandmother.
"I just lost a quarter!"
"There, there," said his grandmother. "Here´s another."
As soon as the woman gave Feddie a new quarter, he began crying even louder.
"Now what's wrong?" his grandmother asked.
"I wish I said a lost a dollar!"
Mrs. Kaplan said, "Whenever I'm down in the dumps, I buy myself a new hat."
"Ah," said Mrs. Wengler. " So thats where you get them!"
When he heard his friend calling from the bottom of a well, Joe ran over.
" Hey--how'd you get down there?" asked Joe
" Dummy!" the friend said. " I took a little a little trip!"
While walking home from school, Bennie said to his friend Keith, "Did you know that a crescent moon is heavier than a full moon?"
" That's silly," Keith said. "The moon weighs the same all the time."
" Dummy!" Bennie said. "My teacher said the full moon is always lighter."
As they were walking down the street, a dummy said to his friend, " Boy, I sure hope the rain keeps up."
"Why?" said his friend.
" Because then it won't come down."
Q: Why did the dummy stand in front of the mirror with her eyes shut?
A: So she could see what she looked like when she was asleep.
Every day, dumb Mr. Koch had to cross the river by ferry in order to get to work.
Waking up late one morning, he dressed quickly, ran out the door, and ran to the dock. The boat was several yards away, and stepping back and taking a mighty leap, Mr. Koch landed with a crash on th deck.
"Made it!" he cried triumphantly.
"So?" said one of the passengers, "What was the rush? This boat is coming in."
Mr. Griswald was starring at the cage in the zoo, watching the great cat pace back and forth.
"I wonder what that tiger would be saying if he could talk," he said to the zookeeper.
The zookeeper replied, " It would probably say, 'Hey, dummy, I'm s cheetah!"
Carl said Dumb Don. "When I was lost in the woods, I had to live on a can of peas for a whole week."
"That's amazing!" said Dumb Don. "Weren't you afraid you'd fall off?"
Mrs. Dimm said to her friend Mrs. Dumm, "My husband doesn't understand me at all. Does yours?"
"Why, Mrs. Dimm," said Mrs. Dumm, " I don't believe he has ever met you."
"Hey Louie," said Marcel, "does your watch tell time?"
" No," said Louie. "You have to look at it."
" Well, what time is it?" Marcel asked Louie.
" Four o'clock."
" Isn't that amazing," said Marcel. " I've been asking the same question all day, and everyone
tells me something different!"
" Did you hear about the dummy who punched his clock?" Waldo asked his friend.
" No. Why?"
Waldo said, "The clock truck too!"
" How did the clock feel when he was punched?" the friend asked.
" What do you think?" asked Waldo. "Ticked off!"
Mrs. Dumdum walked into the bakery.
"Are these cookies tasty?" she asked.
"Oh, yes," said the baker. " They've been our most popular item for years."
" I see," said Mrs. Dumdum. "But I was hoping ot get something baked more recently than that."
Q: Why did the dummy eat a dollar?
A: Because when his mother gave it to him, she told him it was for lunch.
Q: Why did the dummy eat a candle?
A: He wanted a light meal.
Q: Why did the dummy put candy on her pillow?
A: So she would have sweet dreams.
" Can you stand on your head?" lionel asked Dumb Dora.
" Don't be silly," Dora replied. " How could I get my feet all the way up there?"
Kooky Carol walked into the post office and said to the clerk, " If I put a stamp on this letter, will it go to my cousin in New York?"
" Yes, it will."
"That's too bad," Carol said. " I've addressed it it to my friend in Boston."
Q: What kind of clothing does a house where?
A: Address
"Gee, Mom," said Abner as they walked through the woods, "what are these holes in the trees?
" They're knotholes."
" What do you mean they're not holes?" he asked. "I can see inside them!"
Other blogs about: Jokes, Hilarious Jokes for Kids, Jokes for Kids, Miss Twinkle
Please feel free to give more joke suggestions, add them on to a comment. Thank you!
Bob was running through the neighbor´s garden.
"Hey!"shouted the neighbor. "I told you to not let me catch you there again!"
"Right!" said the boy. "And you haven´t caught me yet!"
Freddie walked into the house crying. "What´s wrong?" asked his grandmother.
"I just lost a quarter!"
"There, there," said his grandmother. "Here´s another."
As soon as the woman gave Feddie a new quarter, he began crying even louder.
"Now what's wrong?" his grandmother asked.
"I wish I said a lost a dollar!"
Mrs. Kaplan said, "Whenever I'm down in the dumps, I buy myself a new hat."
"Ah," said Mrs. Wengler. " So thats where you get them!"
When he heard his friend calling from the bottom of a well, Joe ran over.
" Hey--how'd you get down there?" asked Joe
" Dummy!" the friend said. " I took a little a little trip!"
While walking home from school, Bennie said to his friend Keith, "Did you know that a crescent moon is heavier than a full moon?"
" That's silly," Keith said. "The moon weighs the same all the time."
" Dummy!" Bennie said. "My teacher said the full moon is always lighter."
As they were walking down the street, a dummy said to his friend, " Boy, I sure hope the rain keeps up."
"Why?" said his friend.
" Because then it won't come down."
Q: Why did the dummy stand in front of the mirror with her eyes shut?
A: So she could see what she looked like when she was asleep.
Every day, dumb Mr. Koch had to cross the river by ferry in order to get to work.
Waking up late one morning, he dressed quickly, ran out the door, and ran to the dock. The boat was several yards away, and stepping back and taking a mighty leap, Mr. Koch landed with a crash on th deck.
"Made it!" he cried triumphantly.
"So?" said one of the passengers, "What was the rush? This boat is coming in."
Mr. Griswald was starring at the cage in the zoo, watching the great cat pace back and forth.
"I wonder what that tiger would be saying if he could talk," he said to the zookeeper.
The zookeeper replied, " It would probably say, 'Hey, dummy, I'm s cheetah!"
Carl said Dumb Don. "When I was lost in the woods, I had to live on a can of peas for a whole week."
"That's amazing!" said Dumb Don. "Weren't you afraid you'd fall off?"
Mrs. Dimm said to her friend Mrs. Dumm, "My husband doesn't understand me at all. Does yours?"
"Why, Mrs. Dimm," said Mrs. Dumm, " I don't believe he has ever met you."
"Hey Louie," said Marcel, "does your watch tell time?"
" No," said Louie. "You have to look at it."
" Well, what time is it?" Marcel asked Louie.
" Four o'clock."
" Isn't that amazing," said Marcel. " I've been asking the same question all day, and everyone
tells me something different!"
" Did you hear about the dummy who punched his clock?" Waldo asked his friend.
" No. Why?"
Waldo said, "The clock truck too!"
" How did the clock feel when he was punched?" the friend asked.
" What do you think?" asked Waldo. "Ticked off!"
Mrs. Dumdum walked into the bakery.
"Are these cookies tasty?" she asked.
"Oh, yes," said the baker. " They've been our most popular item for years."
" I see," said Mrs. Dumdum. "But I was hoping ot get something baked more recently than that."
Q: Why did the dummy eat a dollar?
A: Because when his mother gave it to him, she told him it was for lunch.
Q: Why did the dummy eat a candle?
A: He wanted a light meal.
Q: Why did the dummy put candy on her pillow?
A: So she would have sweet dreams.
" Can you stand on your head?" lionel asked Dumb Dora.
" Don't be silly," Dora replied. " How could I get my feet all the way up there?"
Kooky Carol walked into the post office and said to the clerk, " If I put a stamp on this letter, will it go to my cousin in New York?"
" Yes, it will."
"That's too bad," Carol said. " I've addressed it it to my friend in Boston."
Q: What kind of clothing does a house where?
A: Address
"Gee, Mom," said Abner as they walked through the woods, "what are these holes in the trees?
" They're knotholes."
" What do you mean they're not holes?" he asked. "I can see inside them!"
Other blogs about: Jokes, Hilarious Jokes for Kids, Jokes for Kids, Miss Twinkle
Cool Jokes
Here are a few jokes from the book 1001 Cool Jokes. Feel free to add more jokes to the comments.
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
To get to the bottom.
What's big, white, furry, and found in outback Australia?
A very lost polar bear.
What did one flea sayto the other?
Shall we walk or take the dog?
What's the best way to catch a rabbit?
Hide in the bushes and make a noise like lettuce.
What do you call a lady standing in the middle of a tennis court?
What do you call a man with a spade?
What do you call a man who likes to work out?
Back to School Jokes
Here are some school jokes. If you have any more suggestions, please feel free to add them on the comments. We could add them to Miss Twinkle magazine or Miss Twinkle website.
Thank You!
Henry: Oh please, please Mr. Windwrap! I can´t go back to my classroom. I think I´m a needle.
Doc: Hmm... I see your point.
Laura: Mr. Warthog, would you get mad at me for something that I didn´t do?
Mr.Warthog: Of course not, Laura.
Laura: Good. Because I didn´t do my homework!
Teacher: Where is your pencil, Ludlow?
Ludlow: I ain´t got none!
Teacher: Ludlow! Where is your grammar.
Ludlow: She´s at her house in Cleveland. And she ain´t got my pencil niether!
Other blogs about Jokes, back to school jokes, back to school, Miss Twinkle
Thank You!
Henry: Oh please, please Mr. Windwrap! I can´t go back to my classroom. I think I´m a needle.
Doc: Hmm... I see your point.
Laura: Mr. Warthog, would you get mad at me for something that I didn´t do?
Mr.Warthog: Of course not, Laura.
Laura: Good. Because I didn´t do my homework!
Teacher: Where is your pencil, Ludlow?
Ludlow: I ain´t got none!
Teacher: Ludlow! Where is your grammar.
Ludlow: She´s at her house in Cleveland. And she ain´t got my pencil niether!
Other blogs about Jokes, back to school jokes, back to school, Miss Twinkle
Telephone Jokes
Here are some jokes from the book, 101 Telephone Jokes. If you have any jokes you want to share, please do on a comment and we might put it here on the Miss Twinkle website or in the magazine. Thank you.
Estelle: Hell0?
Shirley: Hello! Boy, have I got some really juicy gossip for you Laverne.
Estelle: I'm sorry, this isn't Laverne. You must have the wrong number. But anyway, what's the gossip?
Bob's phone rang in the middle of the night.
"Hello?" he said.
"Hello,"said a voice. "Is this Tommy?"
"No," said Bob. "You must have the wrong number."
"Oh, sorry," said the caller. "I hope I didn't wake you."
"Oh, that's okay," said Bob. "I had to get up anyway, to answer the phone!"
Why did Silly Sally think she was engaged?
Because her boyfriend said he'd give her a ring tonight!
Bob: Hello? I'm not interrupting your dinner, am I?
Rob: Actually, you are.
Bob: Good. Wait for me, and I'll be right over!
What did the cannibal mother say to the cannibal child when he was talking on the phone at dinnertime?
"How many times have I told you not to talk with someone in your mouth?"
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Music and Lyrics

Music and Lyrics is a feel good, romantic comedy. The main characters are the has-been 80s pop sensation, Alex Fletcher and his plant lady Sophie Fisher. Those roles are, as you see on the picture, played by charming Hugh Grant and cute Drew Barrymore.
One day the sizzlingest tween-queen on the charts asks Alex to write her a song in less than a week. Of course, he says yes, for another chance at stardom. Only, there's one problem: Alex can say it with music, but he sure can't say it with words. Enter Sophie Fisher, who is a pretty good poet and quick witted. She could do it, if she'd agree. And, together, they go after songwriting success!
Other blogs about movies, movie tips, music and lyrics, Alex Fletcher, Sophie Fisher, Hugh Grant, Drew Barrymore, romantic comedy
Monday, January 7, 2008
Jokes to make you laugh out Loud!
Here are some jokes to make you laugh out loud! If you have any other suggestions for this website or the magazine please write it down as a comment. Thank you!
1.Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Police who?
Police let us in; it's cold out here.
2.Knock Knock!
Who’s there?
I love.
I love who?
I don’t know, you tell me!
3.Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Norma Lee.
Norma Lee who?
Normalee I don't go around knocking on doors, but do you want to buy a set of encyclopedias?
Who's there?
Norma Lee.
Norma Lee who?
Normalee I don't go around knocking on doors, but do you want to buy a set of encyclopedias?
4.Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Boo, who?
Don't cry, it is only me.
Who's there?
Boo, who?
Don't cry, it is only me.
5.Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Who's there?
Madam who?
Madam foot is caught in the door!
Madam who?
Madam foot is caught in the door!
6.Knock Knock!
Who's There?
Doris Who?
Doris locked, that's why I am knocking!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Absolutely Normal Chaos by Sharon Creech

Mary Lou Finney's teacher assighned homework over the summer, to keep a journal. Boring!
Then her cousin Carl Ray comes to stay with her family. It all starts out as the dull dog days of the summer but quickly turns around to the wildest ride ever.
How was Mary Lou supposed to know what was up ahead? Such as Carl Ray and the ring, or with her best friend becoming boy crazy? And..(sigh) Alex Cheevey?
Suddenly the boring school assignment turns out to be one of the most exciting, unbelievable, wonderful summers of Mary Lou's life.
Lets just hope her teacher doesn't actually read her journal.
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Minerva Clark Gets a Clue by Karen Karbo

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Is Your Friend an Angel or a Devil?
Are you not sure about your friend? That she might not be as sweet as she appears to be? Do the quiz Is Your Friend Poison? and find out! Or maybe you are sure she is the best and you wanna prove it. Check it out!
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How Are You in Class?
Try this fantastic quiz Are You the Class Clown or Teacher's Pet?! Now is a great opportunity if that's something you want to find out! Click on the link above and in a few minutes you'll have the answer!
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Other blogs about fantastic quiz, Quizzes, quiz, class clown, teacher's pet, class, Are You the Class Clown or Teacher's Pet?
Do You Lead or Do You Tag Along?
Were You Born to Lead? is an amazing quiz! Have you ever wondered if you are too much in the middle of things? Well, I have. Or maybe you might not even have gotten to the circle yet, just sitting at home watching TV right outside it. Whatever you are wondering about, the answer is right here on Miss Twinkle's website. Just click on the link above and do the quiz!
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Other blogs about Quizzes, lead, born, Were you born to lead?, circle, tv, Miss Twinkle, tag along, tag
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Are You the Best Friend or the Worst Ever?
Check out this awesome quiz What Kind of Friend Are You?
Find out if you are the most fabulous friend in the whole world or if you could work on it a bit more. Go ahead and try it, Miss Twinkle links you right to the quiz!
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Miss Twinkle, the thing for you!
Miss Twinkle is a magazine for young girls ages 9 and up. This website has quizzes, tips, jokes, embarrassing moments etc., in case the magazine is not enough for you, although this magazine can only be handed to QSIB members. If you are not a member of QSIB, the Miss Twinkle website is just the thing for you (also QSIB members). So go ahead and check it out!
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Other blogs about Miss Twinkle, Twinkle, quizzes, tips, jokes, magazine, QSIB, young girls, girls
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