Saturday, January 12, 2008

School Cafeteria Jokes

Here are some jokes from the book 101 School Cafeteria Jokes. Please, add more jokes to the comments. Have fun!

Mary: What's sticky, purple, has 16 legs, and is covered with thick, brown hair?
Larry: I don't know. What?
Mary: I don't know, either. But they're serving it today in the cafeteria.

Sam: Every day I get the same boring thing for lunch! I'm sick of peanut butter sandwich and an apple, day after day.
Pam: Well, why don't you ask your mom to give you something else?
Sam: I can't. I pack my own lunch!

Morty: This beef stew tastes just like dog food!
Cook: Don't be ridiculous! How can cat food taste like dog food?

Sharon: Why do you eat everything with your knife?
Mort: My fork leaks!

Mort: Last week they served a special chicken in the school cafeteria, and everyone was tickled.
Mary: Why's that?
Mort: They forgot to remove the feathers!

Fred: Hey, there's a long, black hair in my macaroni!
Cook: It can't be mine. I put my hair in the vegetable soup today!

Mary: Look, there are forks, knives, spoons, and hammers today. What are the hammers for?
Larry: I guess they're serving pound cake!

Pam: Is it okay to eat hot dogs with hands?
Sam: No. Hot dogs don't have hands!

First Lunchroom Worker: I told you to put salt in the salt shakers. What's taking you so long?
Second Worker: It's hard to get the salt through the little holes!

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Anonymous said...

Great jokes!

Anonymous said...

I love jokes!d

Anonymous said...
