Friday, January 18, 2008

"Molly's Christmas" By Audrey Paugh

Molly peered out side of her bedroom window it was snowing! It hadn’t snowed all year and Christmas was only a week away! She was so relieved, because she thought it wouldn’t snow and they would have another snow less Christmas. Molly ran down stairs, slid on her boots and ran outside. Winter was her favorite time of the year when snow falls; icicles hang from roofs, and the fresh breeze that blows, but most of all ice-skating on the pond next door. She wanted to build a snowman so she went back inside and got changed. Then she heard something, she heard steps creak from upstairs. She turned and looked up at the stairs. She saw her older brother coming down.
Molly’s brother, Tom is eleven and she is eight, Tom is her only sibling. Although, Molly does have a fluffy white cat, with knotted hair named Missy, and she considers her part of the family, too.
"Hi Tom," greets Molly. "Have you seen the snow, isn’t it gorgeous!"
"Umm..." he hesitates and looks out the living room window. "Oh, yeah its amazing" exclaimed Tom.
"Tom, do you want to come out and help me build a snowman?" questioned Molly.
"Okay, but only for 10 minutes."
"Great but first can you make me some breakfast?" begged Molly.
Molly and her brother are very close, and sense their mom and dad were on some business trip for three days; they were pretty much on their own. But their grandma Jane came to see them each afternoon, to see if they needed anything. Grandma Jane is seventy-three years old and lives in a little cabin, with her golden retriever dog, named Daisy.
After Tom and Molly built their snowman, they went inside to dry off, and watch some TV. It was nearly 12:00, which meant that grandma would be coming any minute now!
Grandma was finally here, and she brought some homemade butterscotch brownies with her. While the three of them were eating their lunch, Molly gazed into the living room and realized that they still didn’t have a tree. So she said to Tom and Grandma Jane " Oh no! We need to get a Christmas tree, can we get one after we eat?"
"Hmm" said Grandma.
"Oh please, please, pleeeaaase!"
" All, right we can go to the forest after we have some brownies," said Grandma with a small grin.
When they were ready, they walked out the door, and got their father’s saw. Then they trudged out and across the road and into the woods. They had been walking for nearly twenty minutes, until Molly stopped. She saw the most beautiful tree, it was tall, and had a dark green color, and smelled of fresh pine. It was just like the ones from stories!
"Tom, do you like this one, isn’t it just magnificent! We really must get it, mom and dad will love it!"
"Don’t you think so too, grandma?"
"Yes it is beautiful." Replied Grandma.
So Tom used his fathers saw and cut it down. Then they dragged it home and cut off all the orange pieces, while Molly got ornament boxes out. The tree was ready in no time.
"Well, this tree sure is decorative, I know that your parents will love it!" commented Grandma Jane.
"Yeah it is," said Tom.
"No, we forgot jus one thing…" Molly hesitates.
"What?" Questioned Tom and Grandma.
" Presents, or course!" Molly finished with a laugh.
" Oh, yes of course, we are lucky today because I have some for your whole family with me, lets put them under the tree now," exclaimed grandma. And that is just what they did.
A few days past and their parents were home, and finally it was Christmas Eve.
Their mother was in the kitchen doing dishes from dinner, while their father was helping Molly write her letter to Santa, and putting out milk and cookies, and carrots for is reindeer. Tom was in the living room hanging the stockings. It was now time for bed.
Everyone was sound asleep in their beds dreaming of presents they wanted. Molly was suddenly awoken by a thump, thump on the roof.
She heard it again thump, thump! It must have been Santa! She had never seen him before and now was her chance! She hopped out of bed and quietly tiptoed down the hallway, and went half way down the stairs. There was no one I sight, then she glanced at the tree, no other presents then before.
"Hmm…" she thought to herself. "He’s not here!" So she started back up, but before she could make it to the top she heard a whoosh sound and a plop sound. She looked down again; Molly could not believe her eyes! She saw a very plump man, with a red hat with a ball on the top and a white fluff along the rim. He had round rosy cheeks and big bushy eyebrows as white as snow that match his curly beard. He had a cherry red suit with a black shiny belt and boots. It was without a doubt Santa! She closed her eyes and opened them again, just to make sure it was real… it was! She just couldn’t believe it! Santa Clause was right in front of her. That was unbelievable.
Molly watched him put the presents down under the tree, and then he drank his milk and gobbled up the cookies, and put the carrots in his pocket. Santa made a sigh of satisfaction and started to write a letter to Molly’s family. She was going to say something when Santa snapped his fingers and disappeared. He was gone and now she knew she would have to wait until next year to see him again. "To Bad", sighed Molly. But in her heart she knew she was lucky enough to see him up close. Now Molly was getting sleepy, she walked back to her room, hopped back into bed and pulled the covers over her body and was soon fast asleep.
"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" cried Tom. Molly was confused. "Santa’s been here, Santa’s been here!"
That morning they opened presents and peeked inside their stockings, and were delighted with their gifts. She had completely forgotten about last night. It was all a dream. Tom looked at the table and saw that the milk and cookies were gone and lying next to the empty cup and plate was a letter. Molly picked it up and read aloud:

Dear Molly and Tom,
Thank you for the milk and cookies, they were delicious! My reindeer enjoyed the carrots. I hope you like your presents.
Love Mr. C

P.S. I love your snowman and tree!

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